Friday, 1 March 2013

Free Sugar Scrub and Natural Disinfectant Recipes

Here are two all natural recipes.  The Sugar Scrub works wonders on your skin, be it your face, legs, elbows or feet. The other recipe is an All natural Disinfectant Spray that is so safe it can actually be used on your face as a toner. 


Mix together:

1/2 cup sugar (white or brown)
1/2 teaspoon teaspoon lavender essential oil

Add one teaspoon vegetable oil of your choice or whatever you have on hand, (olive oil, canola, any vegetable oil - no animal fats though :-)

Mix together well.  If you like the consistency of this mixture your done.  If you would like a thinner consistency add 1/4 tsp. of oil at a time, mixing well after each addition.    Let sit in a covered jar overnight.  

To use:  Scoop some into the palm of your hand and rub where needed. I let it sit a few minutes and then rinse well with cool water.  Do not get mixture into your eyes as the essential oil will burn.  Wash hands well with soap after use.  

I can honestly say this made my feet feel heavenly during application and after rinsing.  

Here is a list of some Essential Oils to choose from if your would rather not use Lavender:  

Dry Skin:     Rose E.O.- Rosemary - Chamomile - Sandalwood - Lavender. 

Normal Skin:  Lemon - Ylang-Ylang - Rosehip - Jasmine - Chamomile. 

Oily Skin:  Carrot - Lemon- Orange - Grapefruit - Lavender.

Acne Prone Skin: Peppermint - Eucalyptus - Patchouli - Tea Tree - Any Citrus Essential Oil. 

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